TriLinc Global’s Strategy

February 14, 2020

TriLinc Global is a purpose-driven company that believes capitalism can play an important role in helping solve some of the world’s pressing economic, social and environmental challenges. Leveraging the experience and expertise of its team, TriLinc Global provides investors with access to unique and competitive yield-oriented strategies that change the world for the better. TriLinc Global is a majority female-owned firm, and its respected investment team is 50% minority. TriLinc Global supports gender equality by tracking at the borrower level its portfolio companies’ female employment numbers, their policies and practices related to fair recruiting, maternal leave, and equality and empowerment.

Access to affordable capital for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (“SME’) is significantly limited in Emerging Markets. The International Finance Corporation has estimated that unmet demand for SME financing in developing economies is as much as $4.5 trillion. TriLinc Global focuses on Middle Income countries where we believe the opportunity for quality investment is significant, competition is limited, default/bankruptcy is still a reflection of character and where we have investment partners on the ground.

CommonGood Capital and TriLinc Global held a deep-dive webinar into several case studies of the companies and regions that have had capital provided by TriLinc Global – including a tank Farm operator in Ghana, a waste to fuels processor in Mexico, and a wholesale distributor in Malaysia.

For access to the webinar replay please email

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