Facing Challenges Head On

March 17, 2020

As we close the books on the first quarter of 2020, from where I sit (Florida), it’s amazing how quickly things have changed from just a month ago when the hot topics of the quarter were US politics, Kobe Bryant’s passing, and climate change. In what feels like a blink of an eye it is now everything COVID-19 with a slight focus on oil. Ironically, mixed in with these themes you can see examples of the best of humanity along with snippets of the worst of humanity. We all have a view of how life and the world should be and when reality doesn’t align with those ideals, we all have a choice of how we respond.


What I can guarantee you is that the themes of the moment will change (we all will sigh a major relief when COVID-19 is behind us), and we collectively and individually will have to respond to them. I can’t help but be reminded of a saying from a former business coach of mine: “progress not perfection”. This is such a great motto to live by. It’s why 200+ plus nations have signed on to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. They are 17 big hairy audacious goals (BHAGs) that nations and individuals can rally around to improve our world. Removing politics from the conversation, I can’t imagine many people disagreeing conceptually with these goals . What a great framework to use when talking to your client’s about aligning their capital with their values both on the investment and charitable sides of their balance sheet. People have a longing to be a part of solutions and to know that their time, talent and treasures have meaning. We all need some hope and optimism to pull us forward during times of trials.

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