MFIF Schedules Second Investor Close

December 15, 2022

The ASI Multi-Family Impact Fund (MFIF), formed by Alliant Strategic Investments (“ASI”) and CommonGood Capital, recently made some exciting progress as the second investor close was announced to occur on January 16th.

The MFIF sources, acquires, enhances, operates and asset manages a portfolio of multi-family properties. These properties consist of both Affordable and Workforce housing assets located in census tracts with a minority population of at least 50%. Affordable and Workforce housing renters can be generally thought of as “Renters by Necessity” because the cost burden to buy a house is prohibitive. MFIF favors investments in these properties because of the deep renter demand for the product, the absence of adequate supply in the foreseeable future, the social impact, and the barriers to entry.

We believe there are significant opportunities to refresh and enhance the current supply of Affordable and Workforce housing to provide clean, safe and affordable homes for residents, while also generating potentially competitive returns for investors.

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