The online magazine Faith Driven Investor recently published an article written by Jeff Shafer, CommonGood Capital CEO…
There are certain buzz words that get planted in the brain when you grow up in the Church whether we know it or not – this was true for the word stewardship for me. I’m not sure I knew what it meant but if asked, it would have been something along the ideas of Genesis 1:28, “God granting us authority to be fruitful and multiply while ruling over the earth and all that is in it.” As I grew older, the word stewardship was tied to handling money in general, but more specifically, it was connected to the practice of tithing. Then, somewhere along the way, I heard the question: What does it mean to be a steward of our time, talent, and treasure? Together, my wife and I felt called to really think about that question – we did not realize the journey it would take us on…