Jeff Shafer, CEO of CommonGood Capital, is joined by Shundrawn Thomas, President and CEO of Northern Trust Asset Management and author of “Discover Joy in Work: Transforming Your Occupation Into Your Vocation”, to talk about being fascinated by grown-ups in business suits while growing up mowing lawns and shoveling snow on the south side of Chicago, working capital markets for Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs before spending the last 18 years at Northern Trust, his three keys to dealing with the stress of a high power position, the power of formally claiming your own deeply held values, and much more.
#76 – Shiri Sandler on Healing After Genocide
Jeff Shafer, CEO of CommonGood Capital, chats with Shiri Sandler, Managing Director of Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village (ASYV), about what the purpose of a “youth village” is and why Rwanda is ideal for such a model that provides a sense of familial love and opportunity,...