This is a critical time for the affordable housing crisis in America and an area we have been passionate about driving capital to for a long time. LinkedIn News recently reported…
“With more than 11 million Americans behind on their rent, many could be forced from their homes when the national eviction ban expires on June 30, CNBC reports. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s eviction moratorium, which was enforced in September, has reduced the normal number of eviction filings over the same time period by at least half, according to sociologist Peter Hepburn. Experts warn the number of evictions could skyrocket once the ban lifts, which housing advocates say is coming at a particularly difficult time with states still struggling to distribute Congress’s $45 billion in rental assistance.”
While we hate to see the very real effects that come from a lack of affordability across the housing spectrum, we love seeing this issue finally getting some attention. Hopefully this attention drives meaningful action and impact going forward!