RIA Intel recently published an interview with Vikram Gandhi, creator of Harvard’s Impact Investing Course, in which the investor and Harvard Business School lecturer shares how he developed the school’s first curriculum for impact investing and how he’s convincing a new generation of students that good risk adjusted financial returns are possible while also making a positive difference in the world…
“What has demand for the course been like? Has that also been changing?
Initially, people were wondering what this was. But I think now, I mean, everyone is talking about ESG impact. And again, the trend among students, the Millennials and now some of them are Gen X as well, is that they don’t think these are mutually exclusive things. And so, there is a growing interest.”
“The other interesting thing is that a lot of the things that we teach, and this is a specialized course on sustainable investing, but in a lot of the other finance courses or leadership courses, other professors are bringing in impact into the equation. Like, what is this doing for value creation? What is this doing for stakeholder capitalism versus shareholder capitalists? So, the theme here is that it’s spreading across everywhere.”